There will be no dress rehearsal for any orchestra after school on Wednesday, Dec. 5th. Please don't forget that students will be tested over their concert material the day after the concert!
Call time for the concert on Thursday, Dec. 6th will be 6:00 pm. Students are expected to have their instruments out and be ready to tune at that time. Dress for the concert is the uniform. Please make sure that socks/nylons and shoes are ALL black.
The refreshment donation list still has some openings for people to assist with working the tables after the concert. Please consider signing up and helping keep the cookies and punch flowing :-)
Please make sure that you have worked out a plan with your student for Butter Braid pick-up on Friday after school from 3:30-5:00 pm. We need to know asap which students are planning to take fundraising materials on the bus with them so that we are able to make sure that they can pick their orders up quickly and not miss their bus.
Tuesday, December 4, 2018
Saturday, December 1, 2018
Dress Rehearsal Info and Concert Refreshment List

The refreshment donation list is now available for our concert. Please consider donating some items so that everyone can enjoy a little holiday cheer after our performance!
Don't forget that Butter Braid pick-up will be on Dec. 7th from 3:30-5:00 pm. Students with smaller orders may pick up their product directly after school and ride home with it on the bus if deemed appropriate by their parent. Students with larger orders must make arrangements to have their product picked up during the specified time - we have no storage options.
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Best wishes to our 13 orchestra students participating in the ILMEA District 3 festival at Olivet Nazarene University this Saturday. Those students participating were given a handout at school today regarding the festival. Parents may click here for another copy of the information. Please let us know immediately if a parent is unable to attend the concert and your student will need a ride home!
Monday, November 12, 2018
U5 Orchestra Spirit Wear
Unit 5 Orchestra spirit wear is now available in a variety of different styles (hoodies, t-shirts, flannel pants, etc.) and colors. You can click here to be directed to the online order form. ALL ORDERS ARE DUE BY SUN. NOV. 18th. These would make great holiday gifts - just email Siebs if you want your order to be a surprise!!!
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
Butter Braid Fundraiser
The NCHS Orchestra Butter Braid sale has officially kicked off!!! Information and order forms were sent home with students on Wednesday. All orders and monies are due back by Nov. 26th. All items sold MUST be picked up on Friday in the orchestra room between 3:30-5:00 PM. Click here for more information. We are continuing to raise money to replenish orchestra funds after the purchase of our new uniforms and Butter Braid requires us to sell a minimum of 100 units in order to receive not only our profit bonus, but the ability to have all of our items shipped bundled together by individual student orders. Offer your friends, family, and colleagues the opportunity to purchase some puffed pastry goodness for the holiday season!
Tuesday, November 6, 2018
Great Opportunity for Students!!!

The recital will be Wednesday, November 14, at 7 p.m. in The Music Shoppe's recital hall. All are welcome and the recital is free of charge.
The program will feature the following works: Sonata in G Major, K.301 by W. A. Mozart, Three Romances, Op. 22 by Clara Schumann, Five Madrigal Stanzas by Czechoslovakian composer Bohuslav Martinu, and Sonata No. 2 in G, Op. 13 by Norwegian composer Edvard Grieg.
Marcia Henry Liebenow, Concertmaster of the Peoria Symphony Orchestra, teaches violin, viola, and chamber music at Bradley University. She leads a multi-faceted career as a recitalist, chamber musician and soloist.
As a pianist and collaborative artist, Andrea Molina has been an official accompanist for music organizations and ensembles across the country as well as serving as the principal pianist for the Peoria Ballet, Heartland Festival Orchestra and Peoria Symphony where she has appeared as guest soloist.
Monday, November 5, 2018
Updated Spaghetti Supper Information
Date: Mon. Nov. 12
Performance Time: 6:40 pm
Dress: New orchestra t-shirt (the long sleeve black one) and jeans.
We will be having a short rehearsal for each group prior to the event so that they can warm up and briefly practice with the other orchestra they will be performing with.
5:00-5:20 Chamber & Intermezzo Orchestras
5:30-6:15 Sinfonia & Concert Orchestras
6:20-6:30 All orchestras for tuning
6:40 Performance
**All of our NCHS Orchestra spots for the volunteer list are full!!! Thanks to all of our wonderful parent volunteers - you're awesome!!! If you wanted to help out and didn't get the opportunity, our junior high orchestra friends at CJ and EJ could use some help filling their lists - feel free to grab an unfilled slot if you didn't get the chance to get on the NCHS list.**
DON'T FORGET OUR LAST NOPA MEETING BEFORE THE SPAGHETTI SUPPER WILL BE TUESDAY NOV 6TH IN THE ORCHESTRA ROOM @ 7PM - please consider joining us as we finish up all of the last minute details for the orchestra's turn at running the entire spaghetti supper (in addition to our volunteer slots).
Performance Time: 6:40 pm
Dress: New orchestra t-shirt (the long sleeve black one) and jeans.
We will be having a short rehearsal for each group prior to the event so that they can warm up and briefly practice with the other orchestra they will be performing with.
5:00-5:20 Chamber & Intermezzo Orchestras
5:30-6:15 Sinfonia & Concert Orchestras
6:20-6:30 All orchestras for tuning
6:40 Performance
**All of our NCHS Orchestra spots for the volunteer list are full!!! Thanks to all of our wonderful parent volunteers - you're awesome!!! If you wanted to help out and didn't get the opportunity, our junior high orchestra friends at CJ and EJ could use some help filling their lists - feel free to grab an unfilled slot if you didn't get the chance to get on the NCHS list.**
DON'T FORGET OUR LAST NOPA MEETING BEFORE THE SPAGHETTI SUPPER WILL BE TUESDAY NOV 6TH IN THE ORCHESTRA ROOM @ 7PM - please consider joining us as we finish up all of the last minute details for the orchestra's turn at running the entire spaghetti supper (in addition to our volunteer slots).
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Spaghetti Ticket and NOPA Reminders
Don't forget that Spaghetti Supper tickets must be purchased by THIS FRIDAY (tickets are more expensive at the door and there are only 150 total available at the door). You can print off the order form here.
We also are in need of volunteers that night to help run our lines and serve food - please click here to sign up. Volunteer time slots will not conflict with hearing your student perform! Don't forget there are also early time slots right after school to help prep some of the items as well. If NCHS orchestra slots are full, please consider helping out our junior high feeders as they often struggle to find volunteers.
REMINDER: Our next NOPA (NCHS Orchestra Parents Association) meeting will be this Tuesday Nov. 6th in the orchestra room (room 50). The doors labeled "J" around the back of the building will be open. As it is the orchestra's responsibility to run the entire Spaghetti Supper this year, we would love to see parents turn out to help our president Melinda Breach in the final preparations for the event. Please consider joining us!
We also are in need of volunteers that night to help run our lines and serve food - please click here to sign up. Volunteer time slots will not conflict with hearing your student perform! Don't forget there are also early time slots right after school to help prep some of the items as well. If NCHS orchestra slots are full, please consider helping out our junior high feeders as they often struggle to find volunteers.
REMINDER: Our next NOPA (NCHS Orchestra Parents Association) meeting will be this Tuesday Nov. 6th in the orchestra room (room 50). The doors labeled "J" around the back of the building will be open. As it is the orchestra's responsibility to run the entire Spaghetti Supper this year, we would love to see parents turn out to help our president Melinda Breach in the final preparations for the event. Please consider joining us!
Monday, October 29, 2018
Spaghetti Supper Tickets
Spaghetti Supper tickets are now on sale, and must be purchased by Friday (tickets are more expensive at the door and there are only 150 total available at the door). Please print off the order form (or have your student bring an order form home from school) and send your money to school before this Friday, Nov. 2. This is the Unit 5 Music Parents Association's biggest fundraiser of the year, and money comes right back to the individual band, orchestra, and choir programs. As always, there is never any charge to hear your student perform, just to eat. However ALL individuals wishing to get dinner that night (including students) must have purchased a ticket.
We also are in need of volunteers that night to help run our lines and serve food - please click here to sign up. Volunteer time slots will not conflict with hearing your student perform!
Another big thank you to everyone who had a part in making Hauntcert 2018 great! Everyone's time, donations, refreshments, etc added so much to our evening - with many young and impressionable audience members, you never know who might have been influenced to become a part of our ensemble in a few years. Thanks again for all of your help!!!
We also are in need of volunteers that night to help run our lines and serve food - please click here to sign up. Volunteer time slots will not conflict with hearing your student perform!
Another big thank you to everyone who had a part in making Hauntcert 2018 great! Everyone's time, donations, refreshments, etc added so much to our evening - with many young and impressionable audience members, you never know who might have been influenced to become a part of our ensemble in a few years. Thanks again for all of your help!!!
Friday, October 19, 2018
Orchestra Spirit Days
All orchestras are invited to participate in NCHS Orchestra spirit days this upcoming week!
Monday - pajama day
Tuesday - tie dye day
Wednesday - superhero day
Thursday - orchestra T-shirt or Hauntcert T-shirt day
Hauntcert Tech Week Schedule (Chamber, Intermezzo, Sinfonia Orchestras)
Monday (rehearsal with percussion)
Time: 3:30-6:00 pm
Notes: Please bring music stands and cellos (non-bus riders); students should be picked up promptly at 6 (Sinfonia might be done a little early depending upon how rehearsal goes)
Tuesday (dress rehearsal with percussion, tech, vocalist, and emcee)
Time: 6:00-9:00 pm
Notes: cellos needed, but no stands needed (in "the business" we refer to the dress rehearsal as the rehearsal before the concert, students should NOT wear their uniform to this rehearsal :-)
Thursday (24th annual Hauntcert)
Time: 7:00 pm
Call Time for Students: 6:00 pm
Dress: Uniform (tux and dresses - please refer to syllabus)
Misc: cellos needed, no stands needed, this concert is standing room only so parents wanting a good seat might be advised to arrive no later than 6:40ish
-We still have a few spots open on the volunteer list and on the refreshment list if you would be able to assist us
-Refreshments can be brought to the refreshment table in the atrium the night of the concert
-Thanks to all who have donated their time, donations, refreshments, etc to help make our show go! And a special thanks to all of our parents who have attended our NOPA meetings this quarter - we couldn't do this without you!
-This is our busiest week of the year, don't forget to plan ahead, communicate with teachers, and stay on top of your studies!
Tuesday, October 16, 2018
The Hauntcert refreshment donation list is now available as we will be feeding an army of 800+ people after the event. You can click here to sign up to donate refreshments. Please remember that all refreshments must be store bought and in their original packaging.
**We are still looking for any available decorations that would fit our "flight" theme, but are also specifically seeking out a large stuffed lion (to go along with our tin man and scarecrow) and strands of Christmas tree lights (plain white ones) to help us create our runway.**
Would you be willing to help us wrangle our junior high ushers? It's a super important volunteer position that can make or break our donation collections at the end of the show and we don't have anyone signed up for the position yet. Please consider helping us and click here to sign up.
Don't forget about our next combined Hauntcert rehearsal (involving Chamber, Intermezzo, and Sinfonia orchestras) this Thursday. Students are excused from class 4th-8th hours and should bring a sack lunch that day and a snack to share (chips, dessert, etc.). Cellists who get a ride/drive to school should plan on bringing instruments to minimize the transportation of cellos on the bus. All students should bring their folding music stand. Please remind your student to plan ahead for this day, check with their teachers, etc. so that they stay on top of all work for their other classes.
**We are still looking for any available decorations that would fit our "flight" theme, but are also specifically seeking out a large stuffed lion (to go along with our tin man and scarecrow) and strands of Christmas tree lights (plain white ones) to help us create our runway.**
Would you be willing to help us wrangle our junior high ushers? It's a super important volunteer position that can make or break our donation collections at the end of the show and we don't have anyone signed up for the position yet. Please consider helping us and click here to sign up.
Don't forget about our next combined Hauntcert rehearsal (involving Chamber, Intermezzo, and Sinfonia orchestras) this Thursday. Students are excused from class 4th-8th hours and should bring a sack lunch that day and a snack to share (chips, dessert, etc.). Cellists who get a ride/drive to school should plan on bringing instruments to minimize the transportation of cellos on the bus. All students should bring their folding music stand. Please remind your student to plan ahead for this day, check with their teachers, etc. so that they stay on top of all work for their other classes.
Sunday, October 14, 2018
NCHS Orchestra Parents Association Meeting Oct. 15
A reminder that our next NOPA meeting will be on Monday, October 15th at 7pm in the orchestra room (rm 50). Doors J around the back of the building will be open. NOPA is for all of our NCHS orchestra parents and we would love to see you there. We will finish up Hauntcert planning and continue to work on Spaghetti supper which is only two weeks after Hauntcert. Please consider joining us!
Hauntcert Updates

We are still short a number of volunteers to help make this year's Hauntcert "fly" (yes, pun intended). Please consider volunteering as we still have some critical positions left to fill. You can click here for the Hauntcert Volunteer Sign-Up Genius list.
Please send anything we might be able to borrow to help us decorate for the show to school as soon as possible with your student. Our theme is flight and can include everything from outer space, Star Wars & Star Trek, airport/airplane, and the Wizard of Oz (or other ideas if you have them!). Make sure that your name is on it somewhere so that we can get it returned to you.
Next Rehearsal - Thursday, Oct. 18
Our next combined Hauntcert rehearsal (involving Chamber, Intermezzo, and Sinfonia orchestras) will be during the school day this Thursday. Students are excused from class 4th-8th hours. Students should bring a sack lunch that day and a snack to share (chips, dessert, etc.). Cellists who get a ride/drive to school should plan on bringing instruments to minimize the transportation of cellos on the bus. All students should bring their folding music stand. Please remind your student to plan ahead for this day, check with their teachers, etc. so that they stay on top of all work for their other classes.
Hauntcert Refreshments
The Sign Up Genius list for refreshments will be posted this week. We will be feeding an army of over 800 people that night and will need lots of punch and cookies.
Saturday, October 6, 2018
Upcoming Test Reminder
Another reminder that students will be having tests this week (some students were absent on Friday and didn't get the reminder in class). Concert and Sinfonia will be tested on Wednesday when they return and Chamber and Intermezzo will be tested on Thursday. Information has been posted on Google Classroom.
Rehearsal Reminder
Our next combined rehearsal will be this Wednesday, October 10th from 3:30-6:00 pm. This rehearsal involves Chamber (4th hour), Intermezzo (6th hour), and Sinfonia (5th hour) orchestras. All students should bring a folding music stand, and we need as many cellists as possible to bring their instruments. If your student typically drives or gets a ride to school, we ask that you have them bring their cello in order to keep as many cellos off the bus as possible :-) Please make sure that students are picked up PROMPTLY at 6:00 pm.
Upcoming NOPA Meeting
Our next NOPA meeting will be on Monday, October 15th at 7pm in the orchestra room (rm 50). Doors J around the back of the building will be open. We would love to see a huge number of parents attend as we work to finalize Hauntcert plans and continue our preparations for running the upcoming Spaghetti Supper.
Hauntcert Needs
We are in need of borrowed decoration items as soon as possible. Our theme this year is "flight" and so we are looking to create different areas around the auditorium associated with that theme. Some ideas for those areas include airport/runway, outer space, Wizard of Oz, and movie items from Star Wars, Star Trek, and Up. Please make sure that any items you would like returned have your name on them somewhere. If there is anything really large or that you don't want at school for that long, just take a picture and send it to school. We would like all items in by the end of the week so that we can continue planning at our NOPA meeting on the 15th. Any costuming items would also be welcome, especially safety vests and those airport flashlight wands for our ushers.
Uniforms Distributed
All uniforms have now officially gone out - please verify that your student has brought it home and that the men have all pieces (pants, shirt, jacket, bow tie). The Hauntcert is rapidly approaching, so please make sure that you have seen the uniform on your student and have taken the necessary steps to get it hemmed if needed. Refer to the sheet that your student brought home with the uniform or to the same uniform page found in the orchestra syllabus regarding the hemming. Dresses should be hemmed floor length (like a pair of dress pants). Don't forget to measure for the hem with the shoes that will be worn with the dress!
Sunday, September 23, 2018
Rehearsal Reminder
Don't forget that our first combined Hauntcert rehearsal will be this Tues. Sept. 25th from 6-8:30. Please make sure that students are picked up in the bus lane parking lot (they will not be allowed to travel through the building to the front doors) promptly at 8:30. This rehearsal only involves Chamber, Intermezzo, and Sinfonia orchestras.
Monday, September 10, 2018

Hauntcert Volunteer List
It's that time of year, and we have our Hauntcert 2018 volunteer list ready to go. Please consider donating a few hours of your time to help us out with this massive undertaking! You can click here for the Sign Up Genius list.
Uniform Reminder
Hauntcert T-Shirts
Hauntcert T-shirts are now available for online purchase - orders close on Sept 15. They are black, available in both long ($13.15) and short sleeve ($9.25), with ink choice colors of blue, orange, or yellow. Click on the following links if you would like to place an order:
Black w/Blue:
Black w/Lime:
Black w/Orange:
Thursday, August 30, 2018
Uniforms and Concessions
Uniforms - Uniforms should be coming home tomorrow (Friday) with the men. Please double check the fit of all pieces and make note of any missing buttons or other problems. If you haven't seen the uniform by Monday, please remind him to bring it home... New dresses will be ordered within the next day or so. Please don't forget that they will all need to be hemmed when they arrive.
Football Game Concessions - Friday, September 7th the orchestra and band are responsible for manning the concession stand at the football game. This is an easy fundraiser that typically contributes between $400-500 to our program. We need to get the volunteers secured as quickly as possible for the event. Please click here to sign up and donate a few hours to a great cause!
Orchestra Homework - If your student has not completed the homework assignments due on Friday the 7th, you can print off this email that was sent to your inbox as verification of the blog subscription. Assignments may be found on Google Classroom.
Football Game Concessions - Friday, September 7th the orchestra and band are responsible for manning the concession stand at the football game. This is an easy fundraiser that typically contributes between $400-500 to our program. We need to get the volunteers secured as quickly as possible for the event. Please click here to sign up and donate a few hours to a great cause!
Orchestra Homework - If your student has not completed the homework assignments due on Friday the 7th, you can print off this email that was sent to your inbox as verification of the blog subscription. Assignments may be found on Google Classroom.
Monday, August 27, 2018
Welcome to the 2018-2019 NCHS Orchestra Program!
Welcome to another great year of music making together!!! The students' first assignment has been posted to Google Classroom and they should print/complete the last three pages of the course syllabus with their parents. This includes the syllabus verification page, the uniform fee and verification page, and the blog subscription verification. If you are receiving this blog update as an email, please print the email out for your student as evidence of the blog subscription process. Looking forward to a great year of music making with everyone!
Thursday, May 10, 2018
Information Regarding Spring Concert and Dress Rehearsal
The dress rehearsal scheduled for Monday, May 14th will involve CHAMBER ORCHESTRA ONLY. There is still a small possibility that it may not be needed, but at this point we need all Chamber Orchestra members to plan on attending so that we can work with winds for the full orchestra. If utilized, the rehearsal will last from 3:30 pm-5:00 pm (please note the change in time from the original). Information for the concert is as follows:
Concert Date: Tues. May 15
Time: 7:00 pm
Call Time: 6:00 pm
Dress: Concert uniform**
**Please note that as part of their concert grade, students are required to turn in their uniform immediately following the concert and MUST bring clothes to change into. Equipment crew will coordinate the collection.
Concert Date: Tues. May 15
Time: 7:00 pm
Call Time: 6:00 pm
Dress: Concert uniform**
**Please note that as part of their concert grade, students are required to turn in their uniform immediately following the concert and MUST bring clothes to change into. Equipment crew will coordinate the collection.
Concert Refreshments Needed!
Please consider helping us out and donating refreshments for our post-concert celebration. You can click here for the SignUp Genius link to donate. Thanks for your help!!!!
Ice Cream Party
Our annual ice cream party honoring our seniors will be Wed. May 16th. Please help us out and have your student sign up through Google Classroom to bring something to add to the party. The orchestra will provide bowls, spoons, and the ice cream. Students should provide the toppings. No products containing nuts please!
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
Avanti's Dine To Donate
Don't forget to plan next week's menu with the orchestras' Dine to Donate event at Avanti's in mind (Monday, April 9th, 11 am until closing). The event is held at either Bloomington-Normal location, but participants must show a copy of this flyer in order for the orchestra to get credit (either a paper copy or a picture on your phone). Mark your calendars now to treat yourself to a cooking-free meal!
Krispy Kreme Reminder
Don't forget that all Krispy Kreme orders and money are due BY CLASS ON FRIDAY (Apr 6th). Please make sure that you have checked the following items before turning in:
1. All information is filled out in the green boxes
2. All orders have been added up and recorded in the total boxes at the bottom
3. All payments add up to the total numbers of orders and all checks have been made payable to NCHS Orchestras
4. Order form and payments are sealed in an envelope with student's name on the outside
Cards and certificates will be available for delivery next week!
1. All information is filled out in the green boxes
2. All orders have been added up and recorded in the total boxes at the bottom
3. All payments add up to the total numbers of orders and all checks have been made payable to NCHS Orchestras
4. Order form and payments are sealed in an envelope with student's name on the outside
Cards and certificates will be available for delivery next week!
Tuesday, March 20, 2018
Save the Date
The orchestras' Dine to Donate event at Avanti's will be Monday, April 9th, 11 am until closing. The event is held at either Bloomington-Normal location, but participants must show a copy of this flyer in order for the orchestra to get credit (either a paper copy or a picture on your phone). Mark your calendars now to treat yourself to a cooking-free meal!
Krispy Kreme Fundraiser
Krispy Kreme fundraiser order forms will be coming home on Wed. March 21st. Students are selling BOGO cards for $20 (good for 10 free dozen) and $8 certificates good for a dozen doughnuts (sold for $8.99 in the store). All orders and money need to be turned in by April 6th. Checks should be made payable to NCHS Orchestras.
Prep Freeze Reminder
Don't forget that our Prep Freeze Cook fundraiser is this Thursday, March 22 at their facility on Oakland Avenue. Stock up on some fast, delicious meals to get your family through the busy spring semester! We will get a percentage of the profit from all items sold during their regular business hours. See the attached flyer for more details.
Sunday, March 18, 2018
Incorrect Concert Date in Last Email
Saturday, March 17, 2018
Trip Update
Trip balance sheets have been sent home with students (Chamber Orchestra will receive theirs on Monday). The final payment is due by April 30th. However, we are asking that you hold off for a few weeks as we still have a couple more fundraisers in the works. If you pay the final balance and then earn fundraising money, we will have to cut you a check for the balance of the over payment.
Unit Orchestra Rehearsal and Concert

Information regarding Unit Orchestra commitments this week:
Mon. March 19 - rehearsal
- Location: NCHS East Gym
- Time: 6:45-8:45 pm (please note the 15 min difference from the original calendar!)
- Misc: students will meet in the cafeteria for tuning prior to the rehearsal
Tues. March 20 - concert
- Location: NCHS East Gym
- Call Time: 6:20 pm (meet in the cafeteria)
- Performance: 7:00 pm
- Dress: Concert uniform
**Equipment crew members should plan on staying a little later for both of these events to help tear down.
**Students need to bring a folding stand to both the rehearsal and the concert (clearly labeled with their name on both parts) in addition to their instrument and their pencil.
**This rehearsal involves Concert, Sinfonia, and Intermezzo orchestras only
Monday, March 12, 2018
Update: Week of March 12th

A quick reminder regarding upcoming events this week:
1. NOPA Meeting - Tues. March 12th; 7 pm; NCHS Orchestra room (50); doors J around the back will be open.
2. Unit Orchestra Rehearsal - Wed. March 14th; 4-6 pm; Normal Community WEST High School. This involves Intermezzo, Sinfonia, and Concert Orchestras only. Make sure to bring a folding stand with your name on it.
**The orchestras' spring Prep Freeze Cook fundraiser will be held on March 22nd at their facility on Oakland Avenue. The orchestras will receive a percentage of all items purchased that day, so mark you calendars to stock up on some great, easy meals to get your family through the crazy spring semester!**
Thursday, March 8, 2018
NOPA Update
Our next NCHS Orchestra Parents (NOPA) meeting will be Tuesday, March 13th at 7:00 pm in the orchestra room. Doors J around the back will be unlocked. We will be focusing on a few more fundraising efforts for the New York trip and/or new uniforms next year. We will also be discussing the transfer of executive offices held by outgoing senior parents. All parents are invited to attend - it's a great way to be involved with your student and their interests (without embarrassing them by chaperoning them at a school dance ;-).
Unit Orchestra Rehearsal Info

Don't forget that our first Unit Orchestra rehearsal will be next Wednesday, March 14th at Normal Community WEST High school from 4-6 pm. Students will need to provide their own transportation over to WEST that afternoon and will be receiving a pass to leave 8th hour 5 minutes early that day to ensure that they are able to get out of the parking lot safely. As guests in WEST's building, it is imperative that all students are picked up promptly at 6 pm. Please make arrangements to car pool if you are unable to be there no later than 6. Students need to bring a folding stand to the rehearsal (clearly labeled with their name on both parts) in addition to their instrument and their pencil.
Solo & Ensemble Follow-Up

Thursday, March 1, 2018
S&E Contest Info and Volunteer Plea

Friday After-School Set-up (students only)
Saturday Concessions (adults only)
Saturday Morning Volunteer Shifts (students and adults)
Saturday Afternoon Volunteer Shifts (students and adults)
Program of Events
Participant information sheet
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
IHSA Solo & Ensemble Contest Event Schedule & Volunteer Sign-Ups

Friday After-School Set-up (students only)
Saturday Concessions (adults only)
Saturday Morning Volunteer Shifts (students and adults)
Saturday Afternoon Volunteer Shifts (students and adults)
Program of Events
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