...creating lifelong purveyors of music

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Rehearsal Schedule Change, Uniform Information, & Extravaganza Update

There has been an important change to next week's Hauntcert rehearsal schedule - the Tuesday after-school rehearsal on the 4th has been moved to Thursday, October 6th and will take place DURING the school day.  The auditorium became unexpectedly available and this change will allow us to have one more rehearsal on the actual stage before Hauntcert tech week without having to move the entire theater set for the fall play on their dark day.  The rehearsal scheduled for October 18th after school will now be in the cafeteria instead of on the stage.  Don't forget that these rehearsals involve Chamber, Intermezzo, and Sinfonia orchestras only.  Concert Orchestra is not involved in these events.

Hopefully students with tuxedos have brought home the new black shirts we just got in.  I must know by Monday if something doesn't fit correctly so that we can get another ordered asap.  

We now have our time slot for the "Spaghetti-less Spaghetti Supper Extravaganza" and the orchestras will be performing at 5:30 pm.  The concert will involve all orchestras, dress will be the new orchestra long-sleeve t-shirt and jeans, and after-school rehearsal times for combined groups will be forthcoming.  

NOPA Update

Don't forget that our next NCHS Orchestra Parent's Association meeting will be Tuesday Oct. 11th at 7 pm in the orchestra room (room 50).  Doors J around the back of the building at the end of the music hallway will be unlocked.  We would love to see you at the meeting and will be finalizing Hauntcert preparations and continue our fundraising discussions.  

We still have a number of spots available on our Hauntcert volunteer list - if you would be able to donate a few hours of your time, we would be forever grateful!  

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Hauntcert Volunteer List

The Hauntcert volunteer list is now available, and we would love to have it filled as quickly as possible. We need many volunteers to make the show happen and are hoping that you would consider volunteering a few hours of your time. There are many different jobs available and this show is a fun endeavor for both the students and the community. Simply clickhere for the SignupGenius link to help with Hauntcert 2022: Judgment Day. As always, please let me know if you have any questions - thank you in advance!

Orchestra Calendar Correction

Please note that there was an error in the calendar contained in the syllabus.  Our spring concert will be on THURSDAY May 18th (not Tuesday).  Sorry for the inconvenience.

Monday, September 5, 2022

Upcoming NOPA Meeting

Don't forget that our first NCHS Orchestra Parents Association's (NOPA) meeting will be this Thursday night in the orchestra room (room 50) at 7:00 pm.  Doors J around the back of the building will be unlocked.  This group is open to all NCHS orchestra parents and we would love to see you there!  We'll get the conversations rolling on Hauntcert, fundraising, and look to fill officer positions.  Come meet some other orchestra parents and play a part in helping us offer all of the little extras to our kids that only a strong parent group can!