...creating lifelong purveyors of music

Friday, November 12, 2021

Musical Arts Extravaganza Final Wrap Up

Please see the following note from our Unit 5 Music Parents regarding the wrap up of the U5MAE fundraiser.  As always, thank you for your support of the NCHS orchestra program!

Dear parents,

    Thank you so much for your support of music in Unit 5!  I hope that you were able to attend and enjoy the recent performance. Thank you so much to those who have donated as part of this fundraising event!!  If you meant to donate, but it got lost in the shuffle, the site (link below) will be remaining open until this coming Monday, 11/15.
Thank you, and have a wonderful upcoming holiday season!

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Musical Arts Extravaganza Update

A correction was just made to the last blog post - the Musical Arts Extravaganza is November 8th, NOT the 15th.  Sorry for the confusion!

Monday, November 1, 2021

Thank You!!!

Deepest and most sincere thank-yous for everything you did to make the 27th annual Hauntcert! There's just no way to put on such a big production without the help of a fantastic group of parents, and the NCHS orchestra parents were absolutely amazing. Thanks so much for sharing your time and talents with us!!!

U5 Musical Arts Extravaganza (formerly known as the Spaghetti Supper)

Due to COVID restrictions, the annual U5 Music Parents' Spaghetti Supper has changed, and has now become the U5 Musical Arts Extravaganza.  It will be run very much like the Spaghetti Supper, just without the meal. In lieu of purchasing food tickets, we are simply asking for donations this year.  What follows is all pertinent information for the evening:

Date:  Monday, Nov. 8th
Location:  NCHS Auditorium
Time:  5:30 performance (students will have rehearsal after school and should plan on staying after school until the performance)
Dress:  New grey orchestra t-shirt and jeans
Personnel:  Required event for all orchestras

Volunteers:  Even though we aren't serving food, we still need a number of volunteers throughout the evening.  We would be extremely grateful if you could help us out and work a shift.  Click here for the SignUpGenius.

Donations:  All proceeds that you donate and ear-mark for our group come directly to us.  We use funds like these to purchase new music, instruments, supplies, etc. for the ensemble.  Click here to donate to the NCHS Orchestra program.  Feel free to share this link with friends and relatives who might also be interested in donating.  Your generosity greatly appreciated - thank you!!!

Trip Fundraiser - Bagging for Tips

There are still a number of slots available for Nov. 7th trip fundraiser bagging for tips at Hy-Vee.  Click here for the SignUpGenius and instructions.