We are still short a number of volunteers to help make this year's Hauntcert "fly" (yes, pun intended). Please consider volunteering as we still have some critical positions left to fill. You can click here for the Hauntcert Volunteer Sign-Up Genius list.
Please send anything we might be able to borrow to help us decorate for the show to school as soon as possible with your student. Our theme is flight and can include everything from outer space, Star Wars & Star Trek, airport/airplane, and the Wizard of Oz (or other ideas if you have them!). Make sure that your name is on it somewhere so that we can get it returned to you.
Next Rehearsal - Thursday, Oct. 18
Our next combined Hauntcert rehearsal (involving Chamber, Intermezzo, and Sinfonia orchestras) will be during the school day this Thursday. Students are excused from class 4th-8th hours. Students should bring a sack lunch that day and a snack to share (chips, dessert, etc.). Cellists who get a ride/drive to school should plan on bringing instruments to minimize the transportation of cellos on the bus. All students should bring their folding music stand. Please remind your student to plan ahead for this day, check with their teachers, etc. so that they stay on top of all work for their other classes.
Hauntcert Refreshments
The Sign Up Genius list for refreshments will be posted this week. We will be feeding an army of over 800 people that night and will need lots of punch and cookies.