Extravaganza Wrap-Up - thanks to everyone who donated and/or volunteered for this event!!!! The kids did a great job in their performance, however the U5 Music Parents are still pretty far from achieving their goal for the evening. If you would like to donate, there is still time. Click here to support a worthwhile cause - your kids!!!
Poinsettia Delivery - we have just been informed that the delivery date will be Friday, Dec. 2. Please make arrangements to pick up after school. The plants are more delicate and bulky than a bus ride home would manage...
Boon Fundraiser - ends Nov. 28. Let your social media page do the selling for you for a super easy, online profit generating opportunity.
Gill Street Dine-To-Donate - make sure that your calendars are marked for Nov 22nd for a night off from cooking! Grab some orchestra buddies and make an evening of it :-) We still need to get our reservation quota taken care of, so click here to simply add your name and ensure this fundraiser is allowed to continue. It is NOT a binding agreement!