Some updates as we get back into the swing of things:
1. Hauntcert combined rehearsal on Tuesday night (Sept 19) will be from 6-8 pm and will involve Chamber, Intermezzo, and Sinfonia orchestras. All students must be dropped off and picked up at door J around the back of the building. Marching band will be using the faculty parking lot and pickup/drop off in the bus lane will NOT be an option. Students will also not be allowed to go through the building to the main entrance. Please make sure that your student is picked up promptly at 8:00 at door J.
2. Uniforms have been shipped and will be arriving any day (although we won't know whether or not any items are back ordered until we get the shipment). They will be sent home with your student next week. Please make sure that all pieces are checked for size and you have made arrangements to have pants/skirts hemmed.
3. Thanks to everyone who attended our first NCHS Orchestra Parents Association meeting this week! We are still in need of volunteers and would love to have you get involved. If you would be interested in shadowing for a position on the executive board, please contact Mrs. Siebenthal. The positions don't involve a huge amount of commitment and we have 3 parents of seniors who will be "graduating" with their kids at the end of this year. We are looking for people to shadow (and fill next year) the offices of president, treasurer, and refreshment chair. We still have a number of openings on the Hauntcert volunteer list as well that we are looking to fill. You can click here to volunteer for Hauntcert 2017.
4. Last call to sign up for the New York trip!!! Please visit the trip blog to get registered and put down your deposit. Reminder to everyone who has signed up all ready: please make sure that you have filled out the Google form to register in addition to making your deposit, and if you are on the payment plan the Oct. 1st payment will be due soon. If you have signed up to go on the trip, make sure to subscribe to the trip blog so that you receive all blog updates as an email. Once you enter your email address, you will need to click on the link that the blog sends to your inbox to activate your subscription.