Welcome back to another great year of music making in the NCHS Orchestra program! We are extremely excited this year to be adding a fourth orchestra to our music family, and now are home to the Concert Orchestra (6th hour), Sinfonia Orchestra (5th hour), Intermezzo Orchestra (4th hour), and Chamber Orchestra (2nd hour). We hope everyone has had a great start to their school year and are now back in the swing of things!
Our first project of the year is to take care of some administrative things. Lockers have been assigned and uniforms have been distributed - please check men's wear carefully for any missing buttons and let us know immediately if there are any missing! The remainder of the the administrative "stuff" can be taken care of by clicking this link for the NCHS Orchestra Syllabus 2017-2018. Please click on the link, read through the course information with your student, and complete the following steps:
1. Print, sign, and return page 7 of the syllabus indicating that you have received all of the information, calendar dates, policies, etc. and return to school with your student.
2. Print, sign, and return page 8 of the syllabus and return to school with a check for $15 (uniform fee) indicating that you are familiar with all of the NCHS Orchestra uniform policies
3. Follow all instructions on page 9 of the syllabus to ensure that at least one parent has signed up to receive the NCHS Orchestra blog updates. Return the proper verification to school with your student.