...creating lifelong purveyors of music

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Orchestra Updates 12.11.24


Poinsettia Pick-Up Reminder

Don't forget that poinsettias will be delivered tomorrow (Thurs. Dec. 12th).  Please make sure you have made arrangements with your student to pick them up after school.  We are also still in need of parents to help take the delivery and organize things that afternoon. Please click here for more information and to sign up to help. 

Winter Concert Information

Dress Rehearsal:  Fri. Dec. 13th, 3:30-5:00 pm CONCERT & SINFONIA orchestras only

Concert:  Mon. Dec. 16th; 7pm

Call Time:  6:00 pm

Dress:  Full concert uniform

Winter Concert Reception

We are still in need of refreshment donations for our post-concert reception. Please help your little orchestra elves enjoy some holiday cheer and donate :-)   You can click here for more information and the SignUp Genius list.