...creating lifelong purveyors of music

Monday, October 7, 2024

Orchestra Update 10.7.24

Hauntcert Volunteers

We are still in desperate need of volunteers to fill the Hauntcert list! There are many important jobs left that we can't run the show without filling. Please consider volunteering to help us out - you can click here to sign up


Our next NCHS Orchestra Parents Association meeting will be Tuesday, October 15th at 6:30 pm (please note the time change from our usual meetings!!).  Doors J around the back of the building will be open and we will meet in the orchestra room (rm 50).  This would be a great time to talk through things with Hauntcert volunteers and we'll finalize plans for the next week. We would love to see a great turn out at this meeting and welcome all orchestra parents!!!

Miscellaneous Hauntcert Needs

As we approach tech week, the orchestra is in need of the following items:

Power Strips and Extension Cords - we need a number of these for stand lights, inflatables in the auditorium, fishbowl, and trick or treat hallways. We would love to borrow as many as possible, please label with your student's name and send to school by Friday, Oct 18.

Decorations - we have both Halloween themed areas and Olympic themed areas this year. If you have anything around the house that we could borrow that would fit one of these themes, we would be extremely grateful. Just make sure to label with your student's name. Please have these to school by Tuesday, Oct 15 to help us plan at our NOPA meeting that night. 

Batteries - it takes a good number of AAA batteries for our stand lights to help us get through our dress rehearsal and two shows. Any packs your family could send to school would be greatly appreciated.

Fake Groceries - we are still in need of "fake groceries" for one of our Hauntcert events and are hoping your family can send some items in. We are specifically looking for more fake canned goods. If you own a can opener that opens canned goods without creating sharp edges, it's easy to wash out the inside of the can (trying not to damage the label on the outside) and superglue the lid back on. Please ensure that any items are VERY food free as the orchestra is not looking for any new roach mascots this year ;-)

Candy Donations - we will be need over 8,000 pieces of candy for trick or treating before the shows. A list will come out soon, but please consider picking up some bags for us at the grocery store over the next week or so. Candy can be sent to school by Friday, Oct 18.