...creating lifelong purveyors of music

Thursday, September 12, 2024

NCHS Orchestra Updates 9.12.24

Poinsettia Fundraiser

Our poinsettia fundraiser kicks off today. All money from this fundraiser will go into individual student trip accounts and can be used for the orchestra/choir New York trip in June of 2026. Although there are no concrete details for this trip yet, if this is something your student might be interested in, this fundraiser is a great way to start banking some of the cost of the trip. The poinsettias are beautiful, of high quality and will be delivered towards the beginning of December. Please see the fundraising form for more details. 

Hy-Vee Bagging for Tips Fundraiser

Another fundraising opportunity for the NY trip has already been set and bagging for tips at Hy-Vee will happen Saturday, February 15th. Please click here for more information and to sign up

Rehearsal Reminder

Don't forget our first combined Hauntcert rehearsal will be Monday, Sept. 16 from 3:30-6:00 pm. This is a required rehearsal of all Chamber, Intermezzo and Sinfonia orchestras. Please make sure that rides are waiting in the staff parking lot at 6:00 (students will not be allowed through the building to the front doors/main lot unless they have driven themselves to school). Cello players who get rides to school should bring their instruments from home that day as we do not have enough instruments at school to accommodate them all. Instruments can be left in the orchestra room before school. 

NOPA Reminder

Our first NCHS Orchestra Parents Association (NOPA) meeting will be Monday, Sept. 16th at 7:00 pm in the orchestra room. Doors J around the back of the building will be open - we will meet in the orchestra room (50). We welcome all orchestra parents and look forward to collaborating to bring all of the extras to our students!!!