Please note the following message regarding the cancelling of the Unit Orchestra concert scheduled for next week. The NCHS Orchestra program is currently investigating a way to still provide the students with some sort of performance venue that could culminate in a recording for parents to watch. Information will be communicated as it becomes available. Thank you for your patience and understanding regarding the district's decision.
Dear Unit 5 Orchestra Students and Parents,
Today, Unit 5 district administration decided to cancel the Unit
Orchestra concert scheduled for Tuesday March 17th at West. This concert
features over 400 performers and draws a very large crowd, and public health
officials have suggested events with large gatherings be avoided for the time
Due to the size of the ensembles we will also be cancelling the
rehearsal that was scheduled for Monday March 16th also at West.
The Orchestra Directors appreciate all the work that students
have put into the music and your continued support of our program.
Mrs. Boyd, Mrs. Siebenthal, Ms. Boehm, Mrs. Fontana, Mr.
Golick, Mrs. Keeney, Mrs. Stalter and Ms. Szwajka
Unit 5 Orchestra Faculty