The sign-up for refreshments following the winter concert is looking good, but we still have a couple of spots available to help serve that night. You can click here to volunteer and help us out with your "mad cookie arranging skills" :-)
Sunday, December 11, 2016
Winter Concert Rehearsal Update
Monday rehearsal will not be utilized for any class this week. There still remains the possibility that Concert Orchestra and Sinfonia Orchestra may need the Tuesday rehearsal, with the decision dependent upon preparation levels heard in class on Monday. Chamber Orchestra will not have rehearsal on Tuesday.
The sign-up for refreshments following the winter concert is looking good, but we still have a couple of spots available to help serve that night. You can click here to volunteer and help us out with your "mad cookie arranging skills" :-)
The sign-up for refreshments following the winter concert is looking good, but we still have a couple of spots available to help serve that night. You can click here to volunteer and help us out with your "mad cookie arranging skills" :-)