NCHS Orchestras

...creating lifelong purveyors of music

Monday, October 28, 2024

NCHS Orchestra Updates 10.28.24


SO many heartfelt thank-you's to all of the students and parents who helped to make Hauntcert 2024 such a success! There were a staggering number of details that needed to be attended to for last week's show and we are humbled and filled with eternal gratitude for the efforts of so many people on our behalf.  It was truly a blessing to see everything come together in the end so successfully!  Click here for some photos of the event...

U5 Music Parents Extravaganza

Our next concert is already upon us! All four orchestras will be performing at the U5 Music Parents Music Extravaganza concert on Monday, November 11th.  Students will be staying after school for rehearsals and will roll directly into their performances at 5:30 pm.  Dress will be the new orchestra t-shirt and jeans. 

In addition to the ability for you to donate electronically, we will also be selling dessert tickets for the evening.  Please note, you do NOT have to have a ticket to hear your student perform!  Only if you would like to enjoy some sweets and a drink before/after the performance.  Checks can be made payable to Unit 5 Music Parents Association. The following dessert options from Brakers are available to purchase (PLEASE ensure your student knows what options you would like and how many of each):

$5 - Choice of pie or cinnamon roll and a drink

$8 - Gluten Free/Dairy Free fruit crisp and a drink

$8 - Gluten Free pumpkin pie and a drink

The U5 Music Parents are also looking to help staff the event.  Please click here if you would be willing to give of your time that evening.

Saturday, October 19, 2024

NCHS Orchestra Updates 10.19.24

Tech Week Rehearsal Schedule

Five days to go as we prepare to take our show "Victory Lap" across the finish line!!!  It's a hectic schedule next week, so make sure that everyone is working ahead to keep up with assignments, getting enough sleep and eating healthy to help ward off illness, and making sure everyone is as prepared on their music as possible.

Monday - rehearsal 3:30-6:00 pm (rehearsing with our percussionist and vocalist)

Tuesday - dress rehearsal 6:00-9:00 (NO uniforms for this rehearsal)

Thursday - call time 5:00 pm (shows at 6:00 and 7:30)

***Required events for Chamber, Intermezzo, and Sinfonia Orchestras***

Miscellaneous Hauntcert Needs

We are still in need of power strips and extension cords to borrow (please label with your name) and would love to borrow any Halloween inflatables or decorations you might have!  There are still more spots left for volunteers, but we are still pretty short of people to help decorate the night of the dress rehearsal. Even though all the spots for decoration tear down are full, anyone who would like to lend a hand after the second show would be welcomed with open arms - the band moves into the auditorium 2nd hour on Friday morning. Don't forget our sing along to the Beach Boys "Good Vibrations" Thursday night - we' love to have a strong group of orchestra parents singing their hearts out to help lead the audience.  We'll be singing the first two verses and choruses only


We are SO excited and grateful to have our trick or treat list filled!!!  But we're less than half the way to our candy donation goal. Please consider helping us out and sending in some bags of candy with your student.

Orchestra Spirit Days

Team unity for ALL orchestras to help us through this big week!!!

Monday - PJ Day

Tuesday - Olympic Ring Color Wars (Vln1 - Blue, Vln2 - Red, Viola - Black, Cello - Yellow, Bass - Green)

Wednesday - Dress Like Siebs Day (?!?!? LOL - NCHS apparel, jeans, glasses)

Thursday - Hauntcert Day (orchestra/Hauntcert t-shirts)

Friday - International Colors Day (colors or jerseys from your favorite countries)

Congratulations ILMEA Audition Selectees!!!

The NCHS Orchestra program had a record 22 students selected for the Illinois Music Educators District 3 Festival Orchestra this year!!! Way to go Iron Strings!

Saturday, October 12, 2024

NCHS Orchestra Updates 10.12.24

Candy, Candy, Candy!!!!

Time to take care of "the littles" and fill our Hauntcert pre-show trick or treating lists!  We are looking for more volunteers to pass out candy prior to both shows and also anticipate needing over 8000 pieces of candy for the event!!!!!  Click here for all information and to sign up.  Trick or treat volunteers will have a reserved section in the auditorium to ensure they have seats for the shows.

Volunteers Still Needed

We are still in need of volunteers to help out with the show - please consider volunteering a few hours of time!!!  Our greatest needs are for a second stage manager, more help decorating the night of the dress rehearsal, tear down crew after the 2nd performance, and help on the Sunday tech work day. It takes an army to put on this show and we're looking for a few more warriors!!!

Combined Rehearsal Reminder

Our next combined rehearsal will be Wednesday, Oct. 16th from 3:30-6:00 pm in the cafeteria.  In addition to the way the previous rehearsals have worked, students need to bring their folding music stands to this rehearsal (we will be in the cafeteria this time).  This rehearsal is for Chamber, Intermezzo, and Concert orchestras.

Another Odd Request

Part of the last number of the show will include an audience participation sing along and we want to make sure it goes well.  So if you need a song sure to make you smile, you could help by listening to Good Vibrations by the Beach Boys and make sure to sing with gusto on the 24th!


Our next NCHS Orchestra Parents Association meeting will be Tuesday, October 15th at 6:30 pm (please note the time change from our usual meetings!!).  Doors J around the back of the building will be open and we will meet in the orchestra room (rm 50).  This would be a great time to talk through things with Hauntcert volunteers and we'll finalize plans for the next week. We would love to see a great turn out at this meeting and welcome all orchestra parents!!!

Miscellaneous Hauntcert Needs

As we approach tech week, the orchestra is in need of the following items:

Power Strips and Extension Cords - we need a number of these for stand lights, inflatables in the auditorium, fishbowl, and trick or treat hallways. We would love to borrow as many as possible, please label with your student's name and send to school by Friday, Oct 18.

Decorations - we have both Halloween themed areas and Olympic themed areas this year. If you have anything around the house that we could borrow that would fit one of these themes, we would be extremely grateful. Just make sure to label with your student's name. Please have these to school by Tuesday, Oct 15 to help us plan at our NOPA meeting that night. 

Batteries - it takes a good number of AAA batteries for our stand lights to help us get through our dress rehearsal and two shows. Any packs your family could send to school would be greatly appreciated.

Fake Groceries - we are still in need of "fake groceries" for one of our Hauntcert events and are hoping your family can send some items in. We are specifically looking for more fake canned goods. If you own a can opener that opens canned goods without creating sharp edges, it's easy to wash out the inside of the can (trying not to damage the label on the outside) and superglue the lid back on. Please ensure that any items are VERY food free as the orchestra is not looking for any new roach mascots this year ;-)

Monday, October 7, 2024

Orchestra Update 10.7.24

Hauntcert Volunteers

We are still in desperate need of volunteers to fill the Hauntcert list! There are many important jobs left that we can't run the show without filling. Please consider volunteering to help us out - you can click here to sign up


Our next NCHS Orchestra Parents Association meeting will be Tuesday, October 15th at 6:30 pm (please note the time change from our usual meetings!!).  Doors J around the back of the building will be open and we will meet in the orchestra room (rm 50).  This would be a great time to talk through things with Hauntcert volunteers and we'll finalize plans for the next week. We would love to see a great turn out at this meeting and welcome all orchestra parents!!!

Miscellaneous Hauntcert Needs

As we approach tech week, the orchestra is in need of the following items:

Power Strips and Extension Cords - we need a number of these for stand lights, inflatables in the auditorium, fishbowl, and trick or treat hallways. We would love to borrow as many as possible, please label with your student's name and send to school by Friday, Oct 18.

Decorations - we have both Halloween themed areas and Olympic themed areas this year. If you have anything around the house that we could borrow that would fit one of these themes, we would be extremely grateful. Just make sure to label with your student's name. Please have these to school by Tuesday, Oct 15 to help us plan at our NOPA meeting that night. 

Batteries - it takes a good number of AAA batteries for our stand lights to help us get through our dress rehearsal and two shows. Any packs your family could send to school would be greatly appreciated.

Fake Groceries - we are still in need of "fake groceries" for one of our Hauntcert events and are hoping your family can send some items in. We are specifically looking for more fake canned goods. If you own a can opener that opens canned goods without creating sharp edges, it's easy to wash out the inside of the can (trying not to damage the label on the outside) and superglue the lid back on. Please ensure that any items are VERY food free as the orchestra is not looking for any new roach mascots this year ;-)

Candy Donations - we will be need over 8,000 pieces of candy for trick or treating before the shows. A list will come out soon, but please consider picking up some bags for us at the grocery store over the next week or so. Candy can be sent to school by Friday, Oct 18.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Orchestra Updates 9.25.24

Hauntcert Volunteer List

The SignUpGenius is now available for Hauntcert volunteers. This concert is a massive undertaking and we simply cannot make it happen without the help of many, many individuals. None of the jobs require serious time commitments, but are critical to the show's success. We would love to set a new record and have the entire list filled by October 1st - please help us meet that goal and sign up to volunteer!

Rehearsal Reminder

Don't forget our next combined Hauntcert rehearsal will be Monday, Sept. 30 from 3:30-6:00 pm. This is a required rehearsal of all Chamber, Intermezzo and Sinfonia orchestras. Please make sure that rides are waiting in the staff parking lot at 6:00 (students will not be allowed through the building to the front doors/main lot unless they have driven themselves to school). Cello players who get rides to school should bring their instruments from home that day as we do not have enough instruments at school to accommodate them all. Instruments can be left in the orchestra practice room before school. 

Hauntcert Spirit Wear

Hauntcert spirit wear is now for sale - this is optional for any students or parents wishing to pick up a t-shirt, long sleeve tee, or hoodie. The store closes on Oct 6th at midnight. Click here to place your order! 

An Odd Request

We are in need of "fake groceries" for one of our Hauntcert events and are hoping your family can send some items in. We are looking specifically for canned goods if you own a can opener that opens canned goods without leaving sharp edges. I have found if I carefully wash out the inside of the can without damaging the outer label, I can superglue the lid back on when the can is dry. We can also use boxes (cereal, soda, etc) that have been carefully opened and then taped back together (or other creative "groceries" that don't contain food). Please ensure that any items are VERY food free as the orchestra is not looking for any new roach mascots this year ;-)

Poinsettia Sale Reminder

Don't forget poinsettia orders are due next Friday, Oct 4. Please make sure to complete the form in its entirety and follow all instructions. Please put all materials into an envelope with the student's name on the outside when bringing to school. 

Thursday, September 12, 2024

NCHS Orchestra Updates 9.12.24

Poinsettia Fundraiser

Our poinsettia fundraiser kicks off today. All money from this fundraiser will go into individual student trip accounts and can be used for the orchestra/choir New York trip in June of 2026. Although there are no concrete details for this trip yet, if this is something your student might be interested in, this fundraiser is a great way to start banking some of the cost of the trip. The poinsettias are beautiful, of high quality and will be delivered towards the beginning of December. Please see the fundraising form for more details. 

Hy-Vee Bagging for Tips Fundraiser

Another fundraising opportunity for the NY trip has already been set and bagging for tips at Hy-Vee will happen Saturday, February 15th. Please click here for more information and to sign up

Rehearsal Reminder

Don't forget our first combined Hauntcert rehearsal will be Monday, Sept. 16 from 3:30-6:00 pm. This is a required rehearsal of all Chamber, Intermezzo and Sinfonia orchestras. Please make sure that rides are waiting in the staff parking lot at 6:00 (students will not be allowed through the building to the front doors/main lot unless they have driven themselves to school). Cello players who get rides to school should bring their instruments from home that day as we do not have enough instruments at school to accommodate them all. Instruments can be left in the orchestra room before school. 

NOPA Reminder

Our first NCHS Orchestra Parents Association (NOPA) meeting will be Monday, Sept. 16th at 7:00 pm in the orchestra room. Doors J around the back of the building will be open - we will meet in the orchestra room (50). We welcome all orchestra parents and look forward to collaborating to bring all of the extras to our students!!!

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Welcome Back Ironmen!!!

Syllabus Assignments

Don't forget that syllabus assignments were due last Friday. Students had a quiz to take, uniform sheet & fee to return, and the parent homework. If you haven't completed the parent homework (verification of receiving the syllabus), please make sure to check your email for an Infinite Campus email from Monday, August 26th.

Concession Stand

Choir, orchestra, and drama are in charge of the concession stand at this Friday's football game. It's going to be a big one as we are playing West, and we need many volunteers. Both student and parent volunteers are needed as there are jobs students are not allowed to do. Please consider helping us out and working a shift this Friday - click here for the SignUp Genius list


Our first NCHS Orchestra Parents Association meeting will be Sept. 16th at 7:00 pm in the orchestra room (room 50). Doors J at the end of the hallway will be open (around the back of the building). This is our parent organization dedicated to helping provide all of the "extras" to our students. The meetings typically last about an hour and we hit the ground running this year with Hauntcert/Extravaganza planning and fundraising. We would love to see a great turn out for the meeting and welcome new faces!!!

Rehearsal Reminder

Our first combined Hauntcert rehearsal will be on Monday, Sept. 16th from 3:30-6:00 pm. This is a required event for all students in Sinfonia, Intermezzo, and Chamber Orchestras.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Spring Concert & U5MP Update

Spring Concert Updates:

Date:  Tues. May 14

Time:  7:00 pm

Call Time:  6:00 pm

Personnel:  ALL Orchestras

Dress:  Uniforms (seniors will have a separate requirement)

Misc:  ALL students will RETURN THEIR UNIFORM that night as part of their concert grade.  Please make sure that your student has clothes to change into. 

Refreshments:  We will have a refreshment table following the concert.  Please consider helping us out and donating punch and cookies or helping work the table.  Click here for the SignUp Genius list.  

Dress Rehearsals:  Please keep these dates on your calendar (May 10 & 13) - personnel TBA.  Rehearsals will be utilized if necessary. 

Our Unit 5 Music Parents organization, which serves as a district-wide music booster program, is currently facing a shortage of parent volunteers. Unfortunately, due to personal commitments, some key members of the board (President, Vice President, and Treasurer) will be stepping down. As a result, we are in urgent need of new volunteers with leadership experience to step up and help keep Music Parents running smoothly.

If you have any experience in leadership roles, such as PTO or other board commitments, please consider reaching out to the current President Josh Jensen ( and Secretary Angela DeJaynes ( of our Unit 5 Music Parents organization. They hold monthly parent meetings and focus on advocacy and managing funds for our music programs.

You are welcome to join with friends, as no single person needs to take on a specific role alone. In particular, if you are comfortable with budgets and spreadsheets, additional support for the Treasurer position would be greatly appreciated.

Your involvement and support in this matter would greatly benefit our music programs and the students involved. Thank you for considering this important opportunity to contribute to our school community.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

BCME Award and Nothing Bundt Cakes Fundraiser

Congratulations to the Unit 5 Music Program for again being recognized by the National Association of Music Merchants as a "Best Communities for Music Education".  It was a rigorous application process and is a huge honor for our music students and staff!

Nothing Bundt Cakes fundraiser has kicked off.  Please see the order form for all of the details and make sure that you have due dates and pick up dates on your calendar.  

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Orchestra Updates: Mid-Winter Concert, Dine-to-Donate, Showcase Concert Recordings, Sweepstakes Win

Midwinter Concert Update:

Date:  Tues. March 19, 2024

Location:  NCHS

Time:  7:00 pm

Call Time:  6:00 pm

Dress:  Uniforms

Personnel:  Concert, Sinfonia, & Intermezzo Orchestras

Misc:  KJHS 5th, 6th, and 7th grade orchestras will be performing in the auditorium at 5:45 pm that night - welcome!!!

Papa Murphy's Dine-to-Donate is next week, with all money raised benefiting the orchestra and choir programs' general fund.  As in past D2D's, we need to fill the required # of RSVP's.  Please click here to add your name to the list - remember this is not a binding commitment, we just need to fill the list to be allowed to proceed with the fundraiser.  Mark your calendars and enjoy an easy meal next week!

If you missed the Chamber Orchestra's performance at the Showcase concert at the ISU CPA last week, you can find recordings here.  It was an outstanding evening of music that featured the Chamber Orchestra, Chamber Choir, and Wind Ensemble.  

Congratulations to the NCHS Orchestra program on their state championship win for the IHSA Solo and Ensemble contest!  This was a combined effort of so many of our students across a number of the orchestra ensembles and is the 3rd year in a row for this achievement!

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Showcase Concert Final Info

 Thursday, Mar. 7th

Time: 7:00 pm (call time 6:00)

Personnel: Chamber Orchestra ONLY (program also includes Chamber Choir and Wind Ensemble)


Dress:  Full concert uniform (tuxedo/dress)

Cost:  Free!

Parking: the School Street Parking Garage has about 450 spaces that can be used for free after 5:00 pm. The address for the lot is 400 S School St, Normal, IL 61761. It is directly behind the CPA.  You can enter the building from there and just walk up to the front lobby, which faces the ISU Quad.  The South University Street deck is also near the CPA, and it is $1 per hour for parking. The address for that lot is 450 S. University Street, Normal IL 61761.

To quote the staff at the CPA regarding the School Street deck parking:  "There will be a parking sign illuminated to “open” to verify parking is available (at the School Street Garage). Basically, you can park anywhere once the car starts up a ramp. The bottom floor is accessible and some spots that are reserved 24/7 and the very top floors are blue zones that are off limits. But the middle of the garage has about 450 spots available for free parking for Fine Arts events!"  Please pay attention to parking signs to avoid getting a ticket. 

Monday, February 12, 2024

Mid-Winter Updates

Upcoming Fundraisers

Tuesday, February 20th
- THAT BURGER JOINT - As with a number of our previous fundraisers, we need to create an RSVP list in order for the fundraiser to continue to move forward.  This is not a binding agreement to attend the fundraiser, we simply just need to fill the list with names.  Please click here to add your name to the list and view the instructions to ensure we get credit for your purchases should you choose to attend. 

Wednesday, March 20th  -  PAPA MURPHY'S - While you're in the groove adding your name to RSVP lists, would you consider doing the same for our Papa Murphy's fundraiser next month as well?  You can click here to add your name to this list too!

**Profits from both of these fundraisers will go directly to the orchestra and choir programs to be used to purchase music and supplies**

Upcoming Events

Thursday, March 7th -  SHOWCASE CONCERT  -  Chamber Orchestra personnel only.  Like last year, the concert will be at ISU and will feature Chamber Choir, Chamber Orchestra, and Wind Ensemble.  Students will be bussed to ISU that day late morning for dress rehearsals and clinics.  More info to come. 

Tuesday, March 19th  -  MIDWINTER CONCERT  -  Concert, Sinfonia, and Intermezzo Orchestras personnel only.  This concert might start a little later than usual as our friends from KJHS will be performing their concert on stage that night before ours.  More info to come. 

Sunday, December 17, 2023

NCHS Orchestra Winter Concert Cancelled

Due to circumstances beyond our control, the NCHS Orchestras' Winter Concert has been cancelled for Monday, Dec. 18th.  Students have overwhelmingly opted to reschedule the event for January.  Stay tuned for details as they are finalized, students should continue to check Google Classroom frequently this week for updates regarding the event and final exams. 

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Winter Concert Info

  Mon. Dec. 18

Call Time:  6:00 pm

Performance:  7:00 pm

Personnel:  All orchestras

Dress:  Concert uniforms

Dress Rehearsal:  Canceled for all orchestras

**Due to final exams the next day, we have decided to forgo refreshments to encourage families to "skeedaddle home" after the concert and "hit the books".**

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

D2D, Poinsettia Update, U5 Music NAMM Apparel

Jason's Deli has graciously given us a second night this week for our Dine-to-Donate fundraiser.   Simply go there today (Tuesday, November 21st) and mention that you are there for the NCHS Orchestra/Choir fundraiser for us to get credit. 

Poinsettia delivery will be November 30th.  Please make arrangements to pick up your orders after school.  The plants aren't heavy, but are really too delicate and bulky to ride the bus home...  More info will be given to students next week.  

We are excited to celebrate Unit 5 Music and its second year being recognized as one of the Best Communities for Music Education. From now through Friday, December 1, you can purchase Unit 5 Music Apparel by clicking on the following link: